Shel Kek Nem Ron

From The Stargate Omnipedia

Goa'uld term for 'I will die free.' The phrase seems to be a variant expression identical in meaning to 'dal shakka mel.' It is used by the Jaffa resistance as a greeting of identification and a statement of blunt defiance to the Goa'uld.

Shel Kek Nem RonNem

The word 'kek' means 'die.'

Stargate Goa Uld

  • ‘Shel kek nem ron’ Appears to be a standard first-greeting code among rebel Jaffa, and is used to mean ‘I will die free’ (although it sounds nothing like ‘dal shakka mel’, which means ‘I die free’.) (Birthright) Teal’c greets Moloc’s forces with this phrase when they capture him, clearly hoping to find some rebels among them.
  • ‘Shel kek nem ron’ Appears to be a standard first-greeting code among rebel Jaffa, and is used to mean ‘I will die free’ (although it sounds nothing like ‘dal shakka mel’, which means ‘I die free’.) (Birthright) Teal’c greets Moloc’s forces with this phrase when they capture him, clearly hoping to.

01:01:19:25 TEAL'C (CONT'D SHOUTING): Shel kek nem Ron! 01:01:25:15 TEAL'C (SHOUTING): Shel kek nem Ron! 01:01:44:09 MALA: Warriors of the Tauri, we mean you no harm. 01:01:58:20 MALA (CONT'D): Please, come with us. Shal'kek nem'ron Goa'uld term for 'I will die free.' The phrase seems to be a variant expression identical in meaning to ' dal shakka mel.' It is used by the Jaffa resistance as a greeting of identification and a statement of blunt defiance to the Goa'uld.


Shel Kek Nem Ron

Birthright - Upon meeting the Free Jaffa Ryk'l, Teal'c returns his greeting of 'Shal'kek nem'ron' with 'I too will die free, brother.'
Citizen Joe - Civilian Joe Spencer greets Teal'c with 'shal'kek nem'ron' upon meeting him at Stargate Command.

Jaffa Kree Meaning

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